i haven't been able to post/update the blog due to the hectic crazy business i have been dealing with
no it hasn't done yet but i manage to skip few days of working because i already can sense fatigue is coming, starting to creep and i am not ready to get sick again, not that i just recovered from flu (ahh as usual, i guess the respiration allergic steps in everytime i suffer from cold and flu)
so i conclude that the air quality isn't good here in indonesia, moreover in jakarta...
what's happening?
monday i came to my mom's office to do the eco green garbage painting
it is a commission voluntary work i agreed to do since i support eco green as well
and i have this kind of silly determination in creating a super chic garbage to allure people throw rubbish properly hehehe
considering in indonesia people just throw rubbish everywhere
basically i have to finish 2 trash bins
and what i expected to be wasn't what i got when i started doing it
first of all:
the paint is super sticky!
yes indeed it is similar to oil paints but the only difference is that this paint kind of half dry in process, it makes my work tough because instead of completely dry or keep wet, it goes halfway, it becomes super sticky!
the colors are not really what i am looking for,
azzure blue is super dark that if you mix it with the canary yellow, it becomes slightly grayish green (i am looking fwd to light and bright green)
but anyway, i do what i have to do
here are the peeks:
i miss this kind of mess! :D |
i reference the bird and branches design from http://www.onewed.com/blog/savvy-scoop/category/budget-wedding-ideas/2009/12/02/recycled-bride-inside-scoop-eco-friendly-invites/
isn't it beautiful? hehe |
and the daisies, i decided to add the daisies because i recently in love with white daisies hehehe...
but apparently the daisies are not so obvious due to the color wise hahaha
so i changed the color from white to several feminine colors :p
such as pink, purple, and light orange
in which i haven't finished it
will update it once everything's done (:
and of course the other garbage will be posted and this one i need to paint the top part as well
happy teacher day! (:
tempat sampah bagus kaya gini..jadi sayang makenya..xixixi
hehehe... dikoleksi aja kalo gitu ya mba hihi
twitter bird.. cuitt cuitt.. gambarin punya aku donkk.. hahha xD
ish ... cerdas banget, bener, kalau ada tempat sampah yang cantik gitu orang akan lebih suka buang sampah, hehehe ...
buat dimana sih tuh, mel ? keren ... kamu anak desain kah ? :)
> nieth: hehehe.. gambarin tong sampah mksdnya? heuhuee..
> fenty: makasiih (: aku jebolan fine arts mba fenty hehe.. aku buat di salah satu kantor/pabrik cat di tangerang mba, mereka supporting eco green gitu di perusahannya
Iyaaaa, aku baca cv kamu di blog kamu satunya, keren ... lulusan Lasalle, pantesan bahasa inggrisnya lancar banget, udah lama di luar negeri sih :D
Eh, beda fine arts sama desain itu apa ya, mel ? aku dulu lulusan desain interior yang di dunia kerjanya malah nggak kepake, hahaha ... malah pengen jadi web designer dan blogger sepanjang masa *halah* :D
hehehe makasih..
masih banyak yang jauh lebi jago loh orang indonesia itu bahasa inggrisnya, aku belum apa2 nih T__T
bedanya itu kalau menurut sudut pandang aku sih:
fine arts bisa dibilang payung besarnya semua yang berhubungan dengan seni (termasuk design), karena selama kuliah aku hampir berhubungan&pake unsur2 design spt advertising sampai interior design, walau ga mendetil tp nyenggol2 sedikit
tapi biasanya fine arts cuma identik sama painting, sculpting, print making
orang belum begitu awam kalau fine arts itu ga ada batasan dalam mengerjakan sesuatu
wah mbak fenty keren lulusan interior design (impian kandas aku nih hehehe karena lebih suka ke fine arts)
aku pikir orang lulusan desain itu lebih gampang nyemplung dunia kerja loh.. dibanding fine arts T__T (saking "murni"nya jadi susah nyari kerja)
tapi apapun yang jadi passion kita, kejeeerrr aja mbak gausa nurutin titel :p
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