Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Social Games

i know.....
people on facebook are fascinated over this particular game and i am so late haha..
but hey, it's better to late than never try okay? *grin*

so the game is a combination of annoying limited energy and the sims in general (building character, life progress, status, and housing)

so i chose the right gender (as usually i choose opposite gender with no reason, perhaps i am building my dream future man LOL nevermind)

later on i discovered that the prices of the items are ridiculously forcing you to buy cash......(i am tempted some times)
with limited energy and money issue (i usually use cheat for the sims HAHAHA)
certainly it is more similar to real-life huh?

the annoying part of playing this kind of social game is you really have to be social (i mean, act social) because you have to earn certain items that can only be earned through friend request and begging people on your profile wall

i am so not good in this area

so i am kinda slow in this game
see my house is not that big and fancy like my friends'

secretly i always wonder how come people have such pretty house and i am so SLOOOWWW in progress
i only have completed 6 out of 155 achievements
and my skills, oh boy, they're so average

well sometimes i don't log in facebook because i have to do this and that
but then once i logged in every single day for a week, yet it didn't make any significant progress
so i am confirmed so slow and lame in this kind of game

moreover, TASKS
plenty tasks to be done by several guests
adding annoying side of this game, the tasks aren't easy man
you have to beg for certain items

the higher your level, the difficult it takes to level up
so i am patiently waiting for my level up moment

and sometimes you get so bored waiting for your energy to be filled up
you have nothing to do but visiting every single friend in your list
oh boy......
maybe i am just simply lazy hahahahahaha
so sometimes i just quit facebooking and start to play the real the sims in my pc and joyfully build super huge and pretty house lalalalalalaa *cheat*

not to forget the planting part, where you can plant fruits and vegetables with amazing time management thingy
you know, the part where you have to wait for it to bloom and ripe, in which it'll get spoiled when you exceed the time limit *sigh*
that's why i am also lame in several time management game such as cafe world

well, i don't know if certain type of people can play certain type of game very well
i mean does it take a really social people to play these social games very well?
maybe it's true though
for me i prefer playing bingo or solitaire by myself
i am pretty good in non social games
you know, games that require no social activity
just rely on your personal ability and VOILA you exceed everything and become numero uno

it just proofs that different people acquire different ability (:

well anyway i have to check my sims social


Ms Mushroom said...

meeeel, kita udah temenan di fb belum sih ? ayuuk jadi tetanggakuu :-*

add yaaa :D

the ugly duckling said...

asikk udah temenann.. cihuyy <3