Wednesday, June 15, 2011


it's the unpredictable you that charms me so much, probably
who knows someone so out of reach can be so close?
who knows someone so authentically different can have so much in common?
someone so far away, so upside down from what my world is
someone i never expect i could be with
someone i have been adoring so much along these times
now is holding my hand, hugging me tight, knowing me so well
more than anybody else

i am amazed, i am taken back
by all of your sensitivity and your way of making me feel complete
i am thankful in between thorns
i can't differ the pain and the love
i guess both are inseparable
i think both are bounded to each other
i can feel you

but i'm scared to let things go
if you complete me so much why can't you banish all my insecurities?
why can't you make me feel like i own everything when i'm with you?

or is it me who never try to choose my own path while i keep on hurting everybody else?
i just want to be happy
can i not hurt other people?

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