n. pl. curricula vitae Abbr. CV
A summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications, as for a prospective employer.
jadi apa sih curriculum vitae (CV) sebenernya?
klo menurut gue, CV itu simply a right tool to show off your abilities and things you've successfully done in your entire life
ibarat benda, CV itu piala yang berjejer di rumah, piagam penghargaan, dan medali
dari urusan sekolah sampe kerjaan seumur hidup semua ada di CV
tapi apa berarti sebuah CV harus menampung atau menunjukkan SEMUANYA?
define the EVERYTHING.....
everything in your CV doesn't mean every single little things you achieve in life
who cares your height or weight when you apply for a job position in a gallery of museum (i'm talking about art industry) or if you apply for a job position in an office where you need no physical appearance requirements?
i don't know how here in Indonesia people are required to input in their CV
but in my education knowledge, so far in art industry, the best CV is one with the most creative look and contents
what matters is your CONTENT
meaning that no matter how pretty or tall you are, how slim you are or how big you are, if you are suck in the field, you're out of the game instantly
but again, to show off doesn't mean you go all the way showing off everything: your ballet class when you were toddler, your camping experience, your scout experience
see what you apply for
if it's necessarily needed, then add it on, if it's not, then put it aside
you show only what is related to the job position/field you apply
if i were the human resource staff in art industry, looking for an emerging artist for an exhibition, checking, listing every single CV (millions or hundreds per day)
i don't bother long useless CV contain list of ballet experience or swimming championship experience
i'd definitely be throwing those kinds of CV to a pile of used papers in the bin
i keep editing my CV throughout these times
i change it whenever necessary
when i apply to certain job, i edit it, change it, manage it, customize it so i can fit the position
when i apply to certain job, i edit it, change it, manage it, customize it so i can fit the position
so i perfectly show my strong points
that's how it works!
and i never fail a single one
and that's how i make use of my education back in Lasalle, on how creating a good CV
how about you?
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