hari ini gue mau ketemu sama temen nyokap..
janjiannya di orchard and crap........ i overslept...
jadi pas di telp gue belon sempet ngapa2in...
trus gue mandi dll...
buru2 ke bus stop..
eh bus sial ga dateng2 bikin gue emosi...
jadi gue naek taxi (emosian sih >.<")
sopirnya jutek banget..
gue sebut mau ke takashimaya dia diem aja...
at least greet kek..
jadi yauda gue setel ipod aja..
meanwhile pas lagi di jalan..
tiba2 dia ngomong "are you Indonesian or Singaporean?"
gue jawab aja "indonesian" (yaiyalaahh lah yaa)
gini deh dialognya:
sopir taxi aneh (STA): so are you working here?
gue (G): no im studying
STA: what are you studying?
G: im studying art
STA: where where? (typical singaporean... =,=')
G: lasalle
STA: oh lasalle that one near prinsep
G: yup
si STA diem...... trus dia ambil foto2.. (gatau poto paan..) trus dia nyetir sambil liatin foto
(kok feeling gue rada gaenakkk....)
STA: so where do you stay?
G: (diem dulu mikir jangan2 ni orang mau macem2.. tapi keburu ditepis.. gabole mikir jahat dulu... >.<) jalan dusun
STA: oh.. jalan dusun.. my brother's staying there also
G: owh..
STA: how long have you been here?
G: roughly bout 4 years (gue mule merasa kek diinterogasi... atau diinterview? XD)
STA: my son stays in USA
G: *cengo* (mikir kenapa tiba2 ni org ngmg gitu..) oh.. okay...
STA: you know america?
G: uh huh... (uncle,, PLEASE!!!! ga perlu gitu kaleee.... <<< mule merasa annoyed)
STA: yes my son lives there and he study there (ingat, most of singaporean boleh ngmg grammar macam apapun! :p)
G: oh okay..
STA: now he's working you know.. he's working at ..... (i cant remember the name), you know? (gausa pake YOU KNOW YOU KNOW MULU DEH UNCLE.. nadanya ga enakin bgt)
G: no i havent heard of
STA: its very popular. its.... (gue juga lupa dia ngmg apa yg jelas bangga2in), what do you think??!
G: err.. okay?
STA diem... untuk ngomong lagi..
STA: so where are you working in here? (astaga!!! uda dibilang gue studying!)
G: (mule annoyed) im not working, i SAID im studying here
STA: what do you studying? (errr... here we go again.......from the start)
G: art, fine arts.. (i feel kinda like james bond hahaha)
STA: oh art.. so what you do?
G: im a painter?
STA: oh painter. what you do? painting all the time?
G: (dengan sabar jelasin...) hmm actually you can do anything in fine arts right now though you're majoring in painting or whatsoever
STA: what?! what is fine arts? whats that?
G: fine arts is the major faculty that has painting, sculpture, and printmaking under it
STA: what?! whats print what? printmaking?
G: yea, printmaking is dealing with printing.. for example a pic on the t-shirt
STA: oh its like a logo?
G: hmm something like that (iyain aja de cape..)
STA: my son has been in america for 11 years you know! 11 years.. i sometimes go there to visit. this year i go visit again i think. in may... may is the best time he said. because december is no good. its very cold there
G: oh okay... (ya iyalahhh desember pan winterrr ommm)
STA: my son graduated..... (nunjukkin poto2 tadi.. oh rupanya poto anaknya)
G: owh..
STA: he has girlfriend you know. a japanese girlfriend. she's the dean. you know the dean? this is the dean (nunjukin poto)
G: yea i know
STA: see ah.. dean you see..
G: (diem aja)
STA: have you been to america?
G: nope
STA: ive been you know. ive been to las vegas, grand canyon, ..... (disebutin smua lah..) its very beautiful you know
G: oh.. i see..
trus abis itu gue ga inget dia ngmg apa lagi.. gue iya2in aja..
uda tll annoyed gara2 diajak ngmg tp ngerasa dibego2in bgt..
so what klo gue belon pernah ke amerika?
dan so what klo anak lo sekolah di amerika?
it doesnt mean anything to me...
i dont know you and vice versa...
but please dont be so annoying and kinda rude..
oke lah gue ngerti mungkin emang bawaan orangnya gitu...
atau mungkin si uncle kesepian butu temen ngomong ato apapun...
tapi cara ngomong macem "ngeguruin" org tuh malesin banget deh....
dont talk down to other people like you know everything. and even so, being a humble person wont damage you anything rite?
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