Monday, November 15, 2010

as i promised.

yup, these are the jewelries i made (with all sweats and burned out hands hahaha!)

moté means BEADS in indonesian, not really proper indonesian, but it is BEADS in javanese version hahahahaa..
because my parents' background are from central java, i decided to go all the way so indonesia in branding my products (:
(remember to love your own culture and country)

 this charms bracelet is derived from simple idea, that usually charms bracelet costs like bomb, but with this cute plastic colorful charms, i intended to make a kind of childish look bracelet yet unique and trust me, you'll never find anything like this anywhere! it's truly, purely original idea

 safety pins, ever knowing that safety pins is a hot trend in jewelry design now?
usually they're being combined with pearls, but hey it's me, my design, i can mix it with anything i want,
right? (:

oh, if you want to order, simply email me for enquiries (:


Ms Mushroom said...

waaah, jadi pengen nyoba2 juga :D

the ugly duckling said...

waah dicoba dong mba hehehe :D