Tuesday, October 13, 2009

miyabi goes indonesia? why bother to care? i mean... why make fuss about it?

miyabi ke indonesia.. so?
why most of the people bother to make fuss about it?
what's wrong with collaborating work with miyabi?
she's not that stupid person who does terrorism..
she's not capable of bombing the country
she's not that strong to diminish indonesia or whatsoever..
she's just an innocent look porn star(i mean BIG porn star)
then so what?
what is the meaning of porn star compared to those celebs who think they are not a porn star but act like one?

gue disini ga memihak miyabi or whatsoever (well walo gue akuin gue fans berat miyabi)
tapi dipikir pake logika aja..
apa hubungannya miyabi ke indonesia sm semua keributan n argumentasi yang ada..
sama kontra kedatangan dia..
gue ga melihat 1 alasan pun for her to come n play in indonesia's movie.
if you like her, then watch the movie and just enjoy it..
why bother to shout out loud your silly and stupid and idiot and moron thoughts...
kenapa juga harus ikut2an kata org, oh miyabi tuh bintang porno, ga pantes maen pelem indo dll..

what's the base argument then?
ga ada...
ga make sense sama sekali!
cuma karena dia porn star trs dia ga pantes maen pelem di indo?
kenapa ga bisa mikir positifnya aja..
regardless whether the movie is going to be a hit or not..
bisa masukin "bintang" setenar dia di dalam film produksi indo, bukannya sebagai orang indo bangga bisa pamer ke org laen klo miyabi aja mau ke indo n maen pelem.. malah triak2 ga kruan, sampah, sama sumpah2in miyabi...

gimana mo maju indonesia klo masih muda aja kebanyakan otaknya isinya sampah..

gimana ga gue sebut sampah..
cuma miyabi maen pelem aja tereak2..
gimana miyabi maen pelem porno di indonesia?
waduh, bisa2 miyabi di demo...
gila x.. lebih2in orang barbar!
ups, tepatnya caveman, yg otaknya ga berevolusi cm bisa pake tenaga doang..

enjoy aja kenapa..
toh ga ada yang dirugikan..
gasuka ya jangan nonton, suka ya enjoy..
as simple as that, why bother to make thing complicated?

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